יום ראשון, 20 בספטמבר 2009

Spirit of the IDF

Document "Spirit of the IDF consists of four parts:

* Introduction: The introduction sets the mission and the mission of the military in Israeli society - democracy, the fundamental commitment of the military and state troops, and the framework within which this commitment materialized.
* Definition sources: Article explains the nature of the document and displays the sources. Definition determines the nature of the document and the role.
* Core values: fundamental values are basic values in the IDF, which constitute the source of inspiration for other growth values in the document. Core values, which are the infrastructure and framework to the list of values, provide coherence and logic to this list.
* List of values: ten values, derived from fundamental values, characteristic of the desired behavior at any time of any soldier serving in the IDF. Some values like human life or purity of arms reflect moral ideals. Others, such as professionalism or discipline, related to the nature of military organization, intended to help him perform his best to achieve his goals.

[Edit] Sources document
Original document sources

According to the document, "ID value" of the army built the following sources:

1. IDF tradition and heritage of his fighting. This tradition reflects values such as devotion to the task, personal example, professionalism, brotherhood of warriors.
2. Tradition of Israel on democratic principles, laws and institutions. Hence the link between "Spirit of the IDF" Declaration of Independence.
3. Tradition of the Jewish people throughout the generations, which includes, among others, values such as altruism, recognition of people with respect, maintaining the image of God in man, love the people and country, and belief in the sanctity of life.
4. Universal moral values based on human value and dignity. These values apply to all persons, regardless of religion, race or sex, by being human. With universal values also include freedom, equality and sanctity of human life.

[Edit] fundamental values
Cquote2.svg state protection, citizens and residents - The purpose of the IDF is to protect Israel's existence, independence and security of its citizens and residents. Cquote1.svg
- Document "Spirit of the IDF

Core values are the values of the framework document "Spirit of the IDF, and constitute a foundation list of articles below.

The three core values are:

1. "Protection of the State, its citizens and residents" reflects the basic aims of the military organization.
2. "Patriotism and loyalty to the state," adds an emotional element, the commitment of the country to their country.
3. "Human dignity" imposes moral constraints on military activities, and reflects values related to human dignity, such as human life, purity of arms and bad.

[Edit] values
Values in the original document

List of values B"r IDF force "includes ten values, derived from fundamental values, and characteristics desired behavior at any time of any soldier serving in the IDF.

List of values arranged in order of the alphabet, when there is one exception out of the station at the top and value "mission and promote adherence to victory". Arrange the values by alphabet came to emphasize that there is no difference between values and desire to fulfill them completely equal. Blood impairment only principle mission rowing victory "overrides all other values, and should be a priority of soldiers, or in other words:" first among equals "[1].

Ten entries are:

1. Mission and promote adherence to victory. This value appears first to emphasize the centrality [1].
2. Responsibility. Responsibility stems from a sense of partnership, and touches all phases of action: preparation and implementation initiative, and responsibility on the results of operation.
3. Reliability. Soldier obligated to tell the truth all the time, and can be trusted to do the job and give him confidence that will carry them as expected.
4. Example.
5. Human life. According to this value, while fighting has to strive to limit the risk of harm to human life, but not to such an extent significantly hurt about the mission and promote disability Blood victory.
6. Purity of arms.
7. Professionalism.
8. Discipline. According to this value, an IDF soldier requires full compliance with the provisions of its officers to perform tasks, unless it is an illegal command.
9. Bad.
10. Mission. According to the document, IDF soldiers should perform their services with a sense of purpose, commitment and actions.

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